Wednesday, May 16, 2007

11 Days left! My students are basically completely ready for summer, and they are making me that way too. They just have more energy and are getting a bit too familiar. Still, many of them fear 8th grade (which for mine means going from Middle School to Junior High), so they try to soak up all the good memories they can these last few days. Or whatever good memories can be had in 7th grade.
I find it a bit ironic that my least favorite year in school is the year I end up teaching. Hopefully they are having a better time than I did, but its such a time of figuring yourself out ... they're simply really confused about a lot of things but they don't want anyone to know they are confused.
I am going to take a group of them to Outback to eat lunch on Friday. I hope they enjoy it. I picked the ones who have had good grades and good behavior for me all year long. Next year we are changing curriculum from geography to Arkansas History (fall) and World History (spring). That means I can hopefully plan trips to the local Civil War battlefields and Indian restaurants (I think there's one in the area...).
Okay, Amanda wants to buy a computer, and I, apparently, need to do more Bible Study because I did not write a thing here about anything spiritual. I am ashamed.